Member Interview with Erin Williams of Erin Williams Counseling

Meet erin williams

She’s not a regular therapist.
she’s a cool therapist.

We love our featured member interviews! We glean so much insight and inspiration from how these amazing women thrive in life and business. Our goal with these interviews is to invite women to share their stories with the apsiration that they may be able to help other women starting a business, growing a business or even trying to tame that unicorn that is work-life balance.

In the Q&A Interview with CEO Society Member, Erin Williams of Erin Williams Counseling, we learned a lot about how life events and the right people can inspire a business. Erin’s practice, Erin Williams Counseling, is inspiring and thriving in Canton, Texas. She lives for inspiration and she is a true collaborator. Her approach in her practice is professional and caring, and she believes each patient is the expert of their own story.

They have learned from abundant research, that the most important predictor of treatment outcomes is your relationship with your therapist. So, they believe your therapist needs to be a safe place for your feelings, thoughts and pain. They take this role very seriously in their practice, and they feel that they are often modeling what their clients did not get or are not getting from those in their lives.

This is BIG STUFF.

Scroll down to the interview to learn more about this Cool Therapist…ahem…not to be confused with a boring therapist.

CEO Society Member Interview…

(Click the down arrow to see answers)

Shortbread croissant I love soufflé candy sweet roll. Toffee sugar plum chocolate bar candy lemon drops. Candy chocolate cake I love jujubes cotton candy jujubes. Tootsie roll marshmallow soufflé oat cake.

Pudding gingerbread halvah topping cake. Chocolate bar macaroon cupcake carrot cake I love chocolate cupcake. Oat cake chocolate cake cake tiramisu pastry.

Following a bout of burnout while working at a hospital, I decided to embark on an entrepreneurial venture. I came to the realization that pursuing unattainable objectives was detrimental to my well-being in a profession I once deemed
fulfilling. This realization had a pervasive negative impact on my overall mindset and productivity. This event inspired me to establish my own private practice.

There are two female therapists in California that assist other therapists in launching private practices. Considering that most entrepreneurs do not hold MBAs, these two women provide ongoing support and mentorship without acting
as gatekeepers; instead, they serve as genuine cheerleaders.

My journey is quite unconventional, but that’s how divine plans unfold. Since the age of 5, I dreamt of becoming a lawyer. However, after exploring various roles in
the legal and criminal justice fields, I realized it wasn’t what I expected and felt adrift. With a natural flair for design and decor, I launched a design business upon moving to Canton in 2012.

In 2013, we experienced the heartbreaking loss of our first son to a miscarriage, John Robert. The following year, we faced a similar loss with our second son, James Scott. In 2015, while pregnant with our daughter Everly, we discovered she
wouldn’t live long due to a genetic match between my husband and me affecting our ability to have children. Despite the pain, I cherish the experience of carrying a
child, knowing some may never have that privilege.
Everly was born on July 6th, 2015, and lived for just over 2 hours.

Following this loss, during a journey back from one of my husband’s work trips, a moment of clarity struck me. I heard a calling to counsel people, a field I had always been
fascinated by but doubted my abilities to pursue.
On August 8th, 2015, I heeded this calling and embarked on a path to earn dual master’s degrees in professional counseling and marriage and family therapy, starting graduate school on August 18th, 2015. Through the most profound loss in
my life, I discovered God’s profound glory.

I can confidently say that I am fulfilling my divine purpose with absolute certainty. Apart from worshiping God, this is what I was made for.

Shortbread croissant I love soufflé candy sweet roll. Toffee sugar plum chocolate bar candy lemon drops. Candy chocolate cake I love jujubes cotton candy jujubes. Tootsie roll marshmallow soufflé oat cake.

Studying for 7-8 years in school may seem daunting, and the additional 2 years to obtain full licensure can be a significant commitment, but the effort is worthwhile.

Keep in mind that time will pass regardless; it does not wait for anyone.

The legal stuff! GROSS! It can seem like the to do lists are endless to make sure all the legal things are up to snuff. Invest in hiring an excellent lawyer and CPA; the payoff will be worth it in the long term.

The most fulfilling aspect of my job is the privilege of being welcomed into the lives of the people I encounter and having the honor of witnessing their stories.

I was inspired to join CEO Society because of the warmth and inclusivity that founder, Kristie Christensen, embodies. She is a champion and cheerleader of other female business owners.

She doesn’t have a scarcity mindset which means there is room at the table for all of us. It is this mentality that is often spoken of but rarely seen in action. In a world of competition and envy she offers a spirit of true collaboration.

Community: I strongly believe that we are not meant to navigate life alone. As a business owner, having a supportive community is crucial for maintaining well-being. A community that promotes inclusivity and unity is nourishment for the soul.

Any knowledge or information I’ve learned alone the way to help others succeed and make their journey less challenging.

I’m up for every bit of it! Bring on the adventure! We so need the CEO society a place where folks can truly come together, especially us ladies. I would like to see events that are completely out of the box. Let’s have gatherings that go beyond just networking and lunch and learns; ones that build a sisterhood!

Drum roll the cheesy… it’s my husband. Before meeting him, I never had anyone believe in me as much as I believed in myself. His steadfast belief in me motivates me to have confidence in myself and pursue my dreams without hesitation. The love and care he shows me gives me the
freedom to wholeheartedly pursue life. His love is without equal.

No: I firmly believe that everything occurs for a purpose, and there are valuable lessons to be found in every situation, even in times of deep pain and hardship. My past has shaped me into the person I am today.

Writing clinical notes can be such a drag…ugh.

Undoubtedly, the individuals that God sends my way are truly remarkable, and I am constantly learning from them every single day.

Incredibly fulfilling and wonderful. While I do have tough days like anyone else, overall, I feel fortunate. I am blessed with a supportive husband and a job that brings me joy.

To maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life, I dedicated a significant amount of time to identify and prioritize what is important to me-naming what matters. Starting my day with a clear focus on these priorities is
crucial for me to feel energized and avoid feeling drained. This concept of naming what matters was introduced to me by Kendra Adachi. She emphasizes that if you don’t acknowledge what is important to you, everything will seem important.

For instance, to have a productive day, I need a calm morning routine that includes time for waking up slowly. During this period, I engage in activities like reading
devotionals, the Bible, limiting my time on social media, listening to podcasts such as Kendra’s The Lazy Genius Podcast, and reading a few chapters of a book while
enjoying my coffee. Even though mornings and I don’t exactly see eye to eye, carving out this me-time is key to keeping my sanity in check!

Believe it or not, my favorite part of the day is the time I have to myself in the morning, even though I enjoy being a therapist. Throughout most of my day, I focus on attuning to others, so dedicating time for myself is crucial. This allows me to be present for others in their most vulnerable moments.

Simply take action. While it may appear overly simplistic, trying something new eliminates the possibility of failure – there isn’t a baseline to measure what your success looks like, you’ve never done this before. Keep in mind that your
definition of success may vary from someone else’s, and that’s more thank OKAY. If things don’t go as expected, pivot, learn, and progress – even if it leads you in a different direction than initially anticipated. Rely on your intuition and instincts to guide you.

Connect with fellow businesswomen who align with your values and aspirations, prioritize collaboration, and find inspiration in your success rather than seeing it as
a competition.

Boundaries: Set boundaries for yourself – not everyone will fit as your ideal client or customer, and that’s perfectly fine. Redirect them to other businesses that provide similar services or have exactly what they are looking for. Working beyond your boundaries, regardless of what those boundaries may be, can lead to burnout quicker than you expect. You might find yourself straying from what truly matters to you, and living outside your core values can be draining to the soul.

Not currently but will very soon. I have a couple of workshops in development.

Zoe’s Place Malawi, Africa and The Children’s Park Tyler

May was Mental Health Awareness Month…

we’re already in July, but this insight applies anytime!